Home Bodies, BFA Exhibition, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

“Home Bodies” is the series of work presented in my spring 2018 final BFA Exhibition at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

Rare Sight, 30”x 44”, acrylic on paper

Text Me When You Get There, 22”x 30”, acrylic and graphite on paper

I (Don’t) Know, 22”x 30”, acrylic, colored pencil and graphite on paper

As My Father Always Said, 22”x 30”, acrylic and graphite on paper

(Don’t) Tell Me What To Do, 22”x 30”, acrylic, colored pencil and graphite on paper

House Key, 30”x 44”, acrylic, colored pencil and graphite on paper



Details of Rare Sight


Details of Text Me When You Get There


Details of I (Don’t) Know


Details of As My Father Always Said


Details of (Don’t) Tell Me What To Do


Details of House Key